I hope I don’t bore anyone by making another west coast, Blunt Boogie Records post but there’s an excellent new project from the camp I want to promote. That album is Sleeze Rap by Mista Melo and Scumbag SaV!, it was released in December of last year.

In the same vein as Up From The Desert, it’s another solid album dripping in west coast funk. The production is handled by a variety of artists like DJ Muggs, Animoss of Arch Druids, and Mista Melo himself. The tracks are mostly stellar but there’s a couple trap type beats I wasn’t feeling much. Overall it’s a laid back, moody and chilled out album with heavy bass and smooth vocal and horn samples.

The emcees do their thing over the beats. Boasting about their graff and rap skills, glorifying drugs, and pipin beautiful LA women is all fair game on the record and it lends to the concept of sleeze rap perfectly; the duo claim to be the originators of sleeze rap.

This mixtape is a precursor to a full length debut from the duo. The album is called Golden Harvest and is slated for a spring/summer release. In the meantime, listen to some of the standout tracks from Sleeze Rap and grab the album to hold you over until the official album drops.

Cop the album here Sleeze Rap