I covered Chuuwee in this post a little while ago but he just put out his first “official” release, Cool World which is a ten track EP. His previous releases have pretty much been mixtapes so this is a step in the right direction, and he’s claiming it’s a precursor to his long overdue debut album 3rd Coastin.

In Cool World Chuuwee sticks to the formula that has made him successful; golden era raps dripping with west coast flavor. He gets beats from a variety of underground producers and lays down great, smooth lyrics on each. My favorite track is Cool Grove while Propose a Toast is a very different and imaginative song for the emcee. Chuuwee uses the concept from the 1992 movie Cool World starring Brad Pitt, that the world is filled with fake cartoons. Chuuwee proclaims he is the only genuine one in the cool world and delivers a solid album to prove it. Check some of out below and keep lookin out for this talented young rapper.

Cop the album here Chuuwee